Star Thrower Farm

Star Thrower Farm is a small, diversified and sustainable farm in Glencoe, MN. Our pasture-raised Icelandic sheep give us beautiful fleeces and wool.  Our honeybees pollinate our organic fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers and give us delicious raw honey.

About the farm

Star Thrower Farm is located Glencoe, Minnesota. Our sheep graze on pasture during the spring, summer and fall. Star Thrower’s 145 acres allow us to produce hay from the farm to feed the sheep throughout the winter months.

We operate Star Thrower Farm in a sustainable manner with sheep naturally fertilizing pastures and garden waste contributing to compost to build healthy soil.

Wool & Fiber Items

Soft, strong wool, knitted and woven items

Our flock of Icelandic sheep are rotationally grazed on our pasture throughout the growing season. They produce a premium dual coated fleece with soft, strong wool.


Fresh and local

Star Thrower Farm has a large market garden where vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers are grown without the use of chemical herbicides and pesticides.


Sweet and floral

The bees at the pollinator-friendly Star Thrower Farm produce raw honey with a wonderfully complex bouquet and flavor.

Subscribe to our CSA

Our CSA offers weekly vegetables and also, at times, flowers, herbs, and fruit. We are a diversified farm and find that our customers enjoy all the bounty of our market garden. 

We strive to make a difference through responsible land stewardship, humane and respectful animal husbandry and the production of high quality, nutritious food.

Farm events

Star Thrower Farm has numerous requests from people who would like a chance to participate in farm activities.  We would love to have you join us for a farm tour, fiber classes or a dining event.  Fill out our event interest form and we’ll update you with our schedule and details of coming events.

We respect your privacy and will never share your email address with anyone.